This course covers the requirements of the OSHA Permit-Required Confined Space Standards with respect to the 29 CFR 1910.146 (General Industry) and Subpart AA (Construction). Course topics include safety and health hazards associated with confined space entry, and the evaluation, prevention, and abatement of these hazards. The course covers OSHA requirements; it does not feature workshops (instrumentation, control methods and testing) which are included in the OSHA course #2264 Permit-Required Confined Space Entry. OSHA 7300 is designed for small employers or a designated representative (line supervisor or manager) with the responsibility to develop a permit-required confined space program and for their workers to understand the concepts. Upon course completion students will have a basic understanding of confined space hazards, evaluating and abatement of the hazards, and determining when a confined space shall be classified as a permit-required confined space.