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Nutrition & Weight Management

Eating well. Living well.

Food is not just fuel. Food is about family. Food is about community. Food is about identity. And we nourish all those things when we eat well. 

To live vibrantly, we need to eat a nourishing diet. Just like physical activity, mindfulness and plenty of sleep are vital to optimal health, so too is a nutritious diet. Combined, they can help us to reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce our risk of chronic diseases (like diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and cancer), and promote our overall mental and physical health.


Videos & Webinars

 View Nutrition and Weight Management videos and webinars on-demand by logging into MIIAWinners.


BCBS Weight Loss Benefit - Download the application here.


Delicious & Healthy Recipes
"Ask the Nutritionist"

I tried to give blood the day after Christmas but my heart rate was 120. I have an irregular heart beat. Yesterday I gave blood and my heart rate was 66, blood pressure was low and my iron was high 15.6. Higher than the recommended level for men! I told the woman I was participating in a challenge to eat more legumes, beans, lentils. Clearly it boosted up my iron levels and probably helped regulate my blood pressure! Thanks for the programs!

-Elaine Doherty